Healthcare News
How to thaw a frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, occurs when inflammation and scar tissue invade the shoulder joint. It can start with inflammation of the joint that leads to scarring, or in some cases the scarring happens with little inflammation.
Managing pain after knee, shoulder surgeries without opioids
A pain management regimen without opioids offered the same pain relief as common prescription opioids, according to two recent studies of common sports surgeries.
5 Ways to Avoid Shoulder Injuries
Whether it’s a tennis swing that causes a sudden tearing sensation in your shoulder or a slip and fall on the ice that leaves you unable to lift your arm, shoulder injuries are a common problem for adults 50 and older, doctors say. That’s largely because of aging-related changes in this body part, sometimes coupled with decades of overuse from work and play.
How to Unfreeze Painful Frozen Shoulder
Frozen shoulder is a common and painful condition. Luckily, there are easy stretches that you can try to ease your pain.
10 Easy Shoulder Mobility Exercises That Ease Pain and Improve Range of Motion
Shoulder tightness can slowly creep up with age, affecting your ability to get adequate sleep, lift grocery bags, scrub the bathtub, or push open heavy doors. Maintaining shoulder mobility usually doesn’t become a focus until these daily activities of living become impacted—or pain and stiffness get unbearable.